Roberto Crippa — Italian Abstract Artist
“The painter-sculptor Roberto Crippa was born in Milan in 1921. He studied at the Brera Art Academy in Milan where he was the fellow student of Aldo Carpi, d’Achille Funi and Carlo Carra. At the beginning of his career, like lots of young painters of his generation, Roberto Crippa was influenced by neo-cubism and was thus generalized. His first solo exhibition was at the Bergamini Gallery in Milan in 1947.The artists was one of the first in Italy, to practice gestural painting, which he produced between 1948–1952 his sharply-colored spiral webs. In 1948, Crippa becomes one of the founding members of the Spacialist group, a group founded around Lucio Fontana, whose objective was to search for a new spatial representation, by technical means that was resolutely modern. From 1948 he participated regularly in group exhibitions and notably the Biennale of Venice. “